


Yogurt Parfait with Fresh Berries and Anti-Inflammatory Superseed Museli

recipes recipes - breakfast recipes - vegetarian Jun 22, 2023

Serves 1 


2/3 cup plain, whole yogurt ( or dairy free alternate- see below)
1/3 cup Anti-Inflammatory Superseed Museli (see recipe)
1/3 cup fresh berries of choice


Layer yogurt, Anti-Inflammatory Superseed Muesli (see recipe), and berries. Enjoy!

* If you use a dairy free yogurt, watch the sugar content, you want to use a low sugar product
(4 g or less). If it has little to nonprotein, you can add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to
thicken, and add protein to the dairy-free yogurt. Or….Siggi’s makes a good plant-based
coconut blend with 4 grams of sugar and 11 grams of protein. Also, you can use granola in
place of muesli, just watch the sugar content!! *


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